The parking and traffic regulations have been designed to provide for the safe coexistence of pedestrians and motor vehicle traffic, and to afford equitable use of all parking areas. The police and public safety department is authorized to enforce established vehicle and parking regulations. Any vehicle entering the campus is subject to current traffic and parking regulations. We request that you adhere to all regulations and posted traffic control devices, or direction from officers. Driving is not permitted on any walkways or grass areas. Major vehicle code violations will be enforced.
Vehicle Registration and Hanging Permits
All students, faculty, and staff, whether full- or part-time, are required to register their vehicle and obtain a hanging permit. University Police and Public Safety is located in Room 101, Pullo Family Performing Arts Center (The Pullo Center, lower level). Students registering vehicles will need go online at Faculty or staff must show college ID or proof of employment. One hanging permit will be issued, but can be used on multiple vehicles. There is no cost for any permits. If a permit needs to be replaced due to loss or damage, it must be done immediately.
Hanging permits are to be placed on the rearview mirror, with the permit number facing outward. Vehicles not displaying a permit or displaying a permit incorrectly may be ticketed.
Only vehicles displaying a current and authorized faculty/staff permit may park in the faculty/staff parking lots (map designation Lots B). Vehicles parked in the faculty/staff lot not displaying appropriate permit, may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Vehicles displaying a current and authorized student permit may only park in the designated student parking lots (map designation Lots D).
Handicap Registration
Handicapped parking is available on campus. Vehicles parked in those spaces must display a valid state issued hanging permit or license plate. Students, faculty, and staff must also display their Penn State parking permit. Those who have temporary disabilities may obtain a temporary permit by submitting a doctor’s letter to the police and public safety department. The permit must be displayed on the front dash of the vehicle. Vehicles parked in handicapped spaces and not displaying an authorized permit will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Handicapped parking spaces are located in most campus parking areas.
Temporary Parking Permits
A temporary parking permit must be obtained by anyone visiting the campus, or by anyone who forgets or loses their regular permit (Student, Faculty/Staff). If a parking permit is required and none is displayed, the vehicle will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Contact police and public safety about temporary parking permits.
No Parking Areas
Parking is prohibited at loading docks, fire lanes, on or across any walkways, and on grassy or vegetation areas. No vehicle shall block any walkway, fire hydrant, or anywhere that creates a hazard for other drivers or pedestrians. If a vehicle becomes disabled in a No Parking Area, the police and public safety department should be notified immediately. Any vehicles parked in these areas will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. The exception to this rule is University maintenance, emergency, or any other authorized vehicles.
Restricted Parking Areas
Visitor parking spaces are provided for anyone visiting Penn State York. These parking spaces are located on the south side of the Main Classroom Building (map designation Lot A). At no time will an enrolled student at Penn State York be considered a visitor. Unfortunately, due to limited space, students working on campus will not be issued a faculty/staff parking permit and should use the student parking lots. However, students may use the 15-minute parking spaces while making brief visits to campus.
Two parking spaces for the admissions office are located on in front of the John J. Romano Administration Building (Romano) (map designation area C). These spaces are for persons visiting the admissions office, and are not to be used for student parking. Any unauthorized vehicles parked in these spaces will be ticketed.
There are spaces in the student parking lot designated for motorcycles. Any motor vehicles (other than motorcycles) found in these spaces will be ticketed.
The small parking lot adjacent to the M.S. Grumbacher Information Sciences and Technology Center has been reserved for in-season athletes, faculty and staff, and bookstore patrons only. Please contact the police and public safety department or the athletic director with any questions.
Parking Sanctions and Fines
The police and public safety department or other authorized persons, have the right to ticket vehicles in violation of established parking regulations. The police and public safety department also reserves the right to use the services of the appropriate state’s department of transportation to obtain vehicle ownership information on any unregistered vehicle.
The Bursar Office will be notified of fines not paid within 30 days of issuance. Your grades, transcripts, and registration for class will be placed on hold until all fines and costs are paid in full.
Fines for violation of established parking regulations range from $15 to $20. Tickets paid within 48 hours of issue will be discounted by $5. Tickets not paid within 30 days of issue will be assessed an additional $5. An additional $5 per ticket may be added to violators found to be habitual offenders. An offender with three or more violations will be considered habitual.
Checks for the payment of fines can be made payable to “Penn State York.” All fines and additional costs collected for parking violations go entirely to the Student Government Association.
Violation | Cost |
$15.00 |
$15.00 |
Handicap Parking Space |
$20.00 |
Traffic Appeal Procedure
Questions concerning a parking ticket should be directed to the police and public safety department. Anyone receiving a parking fine has the right to appeal the ticket to the Traffic Appeals Committee. This committee is comprised of members from the student government, faculty, and staff. All appeals must be made in writing on an appropriate form, and submitted within 48 hours of violation to Student Affairs. In addition to the Appeal Form, collateral in the amount of the fine must be posted at the time of appeal. If found not guilty or if the fine is reduced, the correct amount will be refunded. Appeals will be individually reviewed by the committee, and all decisions are unanimous and final. “I forgot,” “I didn’t know,” “I was late,” “the weather was bad,” or “the ticket was not on my car,” are not considered valid excuses.
- Vehicles should be locked at all times while on campus.
- Expensive personal property (such as: cameras, stereos, speakers, jewelry, purses, wallets, etc.) should not be left inside your vehicle where it is easily viewed.
- Any theft of property or damage to vehicle should be reported immediately to the police and public safety department.
Student parking permits must be obtained by the first day of classes. There will not be a grace period for parking tickets!
Liability Waiver
The Penn State York buildings, parking areas, and grounds are patrolled by trained officers. However, the University assumes no liability for property lost, stolen, or damaged.
University Police & Public Safety
1031 Edgecomb Ave. York, PA 17403
Phone: 717-771-4103
Fax: 717-771-4195