Classes for those interested in taking the 120-hour child care training, and earning the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential, begin Dec. 1 at Penn State York and take place in the John J. Romano Administration Building.
YORK, Pa. — Penn State York will offer the 120-hour child care training, the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential, beginning on Dec.1 and ending on April 23, 2019. Students will meet on the following Saturdays, Dec. 1,8,15, 2018; Jan. 5, 12, 19, and 26; Feb. 2,9,16, and 23; March 2, 9, 26, 23, and 30; and April 6, at the York campus from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Participants will also attend 18 one-hour live, interactive webinars on Thursdays from 1-2 p.m.
The CDA is a national credential awarded by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition. Participants earn this credential based on specific standards and competencies which cover the skills needed in working with infants and toddlers or preschoolers in group settings. There is also a credential for people who provide care in child care centers and for people who provide care in family child care homes.
To earn the CDA credential, participants must complete 120 hours of formal child care training in specific subject areas and do so from an authorized early childhood education training organization, college or university. For more details on the application and enrollment process, please visit the website. The Pennsylvania Key directly funds most of the cost of this program. Students are responsible only for the registration fee, which is $250. Required books and CDA materials are provided to students at no additional cost.
Penn State York provides the required training, but the national council must assess the candidate and grant the credential. When students have completed the training, they must apply to the Council for Professional Recognition for assessment. Students can apply to the Pennsylvania Key for a voucher to cover the $425 cost of this application.
Penn State York does not offer its CDA training as a credit course, but if participants enroll in the associate degree in Human Development and Family Studies, Early Childhood Care and Education option, the credit-by-exam process can be utilized to gain credit for two required courses, (6 credits out of a total of 60 credits required for the degree). Individuals interested in this option should contact Jean Marie St. Clair-Christman, a faculty member in the HDFS program, at 717-771-4161 or j[email protected].
The HDFS Early Childhood Care and Education option meets the requirements for Levels V and VI on the Pennsylvania Early Learning Keys to Quality Career Lattice. Some 20 percent of participants in the CDA training at Penn State York over the year have gone on to enroll in the associate degree and in the bachelor’s degree in HDFS.
In addition, Penn State York offers step-up certificates in human development and family studies, early childhood care and education. These certificates consist of specific courses, which, when both certificates are completed, consist of a total of 30 credits, half of the associate degree requirements.
For more information on the CDA class at Penn State York, please contact Erin Nelsen, continuing education associate at 717-771-4197 or [email protected].