Glenn J. Smith, founder of Brewery Tours LLC, will share his story during a free program on Nov. 9 sponsored by the York LaunchBox. The Zoom presentation is set for 6 p.m.
YORK, Pa. — Glenn J. Smith, founder of Brewery Tours LLC, will share how he used his passion to create a business when he tells his story during a presentation on Nov. 9 sponsored by the York LaunchBox. The question-and-answer session, at 6 p.m. via Zoom, is free and open to the public.
The event is part of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), Nov. 8-12, at Penn State. In addition to hearing from Smith, those who attend will also hear from John Tile of Susquehanna SCORE, who will share information about the Next Step Grant, which Smith won in 2021.
For nearly two decades, Smith traveled the country visiting small independent craft breweries and learning everything he could from their owners to gain a better understanding of the variety and uniqueness of the craft beer industry. In 2017, he turned his passion into a business to create Brewery Tours LLC, which launched as the York County Ale Trail.
They have consistently earned a five-star rating and in 2021, the York County Ale Trail was voted one of the best local tourist attractions in York County.
Brewery Tours features tours that provide educational information as well as entertainment. In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic and tourism shutdown, they pivoted and created the ultimate virtual craft beer experience, allowing guests to participate in its craft beer experience from the safety of home. Plans for 2021 include expanding its virtual tour experience and launching Hanover Brewery Tours.
Smith, a local attorney for more than 20 years by day, has recently returned to private practice after serving as York County’s chief legal adviser and general counsel. In addition to sharing his story, Smith will share his experiences as a recipient of the 2021 Next Step Grant.
Next Step Grant
The Next Step Grant is funded by The York County Chamber Foundation, two grants are awarded each year, $2,500 and $1,000. The grants are designed to help businesses increase sales and add customers.
An independent panel of business organizations and entrepreneurs will evaluate the 2022 Next Step Grant applications based on the applicants’ potential for success when implementing the plan, they propose.
Grant applications for 2022 are being accepted now through 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 3. Visit the SCORE website for more information.
The York County Chamber Foundation will award the 2022 grant to the winning small businesses at its chapter meeting on Feb. 16, 2022.
For more information about the event, contact Beth Brennan at [email protected] or call 717-771-8407. Those interested can register online.
The York LaunchBox, powered by Penn State, opened virtually in September 2020. York LaunchBox is open to both community members and those affiliated with Penn State York. No affiliation with Penn State is necessary to access resources.
Upcoming events (via Zoom)
Nov. 8 — 10-11 a.m.
Grow with Google Series: "Use YouTube to Grow Your Business"
Get best practices for creating a YouTube channel and compelling video content that promotes your products and services and drives engagement
- Presenter: Randi Penfil, Grow with Google trainer
- Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4702625942915286544
Dec. 2 — 3-4 p.m.
Grow with Google Series: "Learn the Basics of Google Ads"
During this workshop, participants will learn how to reach more customers and grow their business with Google Ads.
- Presenter: Randi Penfil, Grow with Google Trainer
- Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3943238341587285520