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York Veterans Flags

Veterans Day celebration set for noon on Nov. 11 at Penn State York

Penn State York will honor the veterans on campus during a noon lunch on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, in the community room of the Joe and Rosie Ruhl Student Community Center. Faculty, staff, students and members of the community are invited to show their support for veterans, enjoy a free lunch, and hear from two speakers.
Teaching Award Nominations

Teaching award nominations open for 2016-17

Nominations are being accepted for the 2017 James H. Burness Award for Excellence in Teaching. The award is given annually to recognize any aspect of excellent instruction -- lectures, demonstrations, classroom activities, handling of discussions, individual attention, laboratory instruction, etc. -- that contributes to the academic quality of Penn State York. Fall nominations are accepted until Nov. 30.
York NAMI Walk 2016

Group walks to raise awareness of mental illness

Twenty Penn State York students, faculty and staff members participated in the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Walk last month in York, Pennsylvania. This is the sixth year Penn State York has put together a group of walkers for the event, and this was the largest number of participants to date.