YORK, Pa. — Snoopy, dinosaurs, Ninja Turtles, Barbies, aircraft, and a variety of stuffed animals were gathered at Penn State York during the Toys for Tots campaign sponsored by the Student Veterans of America (SVA), York Chapter at the campus. Hundreds of new, unopened, and unwrapped toys were collected through Dec. 9, and then turned over to the First Capital Marine Corps League Toys for Tots program. The toys will be distributed to less fortunate children in the community.
Collection boxes were located throughout the campus. The campus community responded so enthusiastically to the drive a few years ago that the York campus chapter of SVA has decided to make the Toys for Tots project an annual event.
SVA is a national organization sharing best practices, success stories, and supporting one another to further strengthen the student-veteran community. Since SVA’s founding in 2008, more than 1 million veterans have returned home to pursue a postsecondary degree. SVA focuses on veteran’s welfare to ensure student veterans are supported in their transition to education and employment. Through advocacy, partnerships and alumni support, SVA strives to help all student veterans succeed and contribute to civilian society.
For more information about the York Chapter of the SVA, contact Russell Heindel, president of the SVA York Chapter, at [email protected].