Q. Does Penn State offer scholarships?
A. Each year, Penn State enrolls many outstanding and academically talented students. Approximately one in four of our undergraduates receive a University scholarship. Awards vary and are determined by donor guidelines on the basis of merit, financial need, or a combination, as defined by the specific scholarship program. Typical scholarship awards can range from $1,500 per year to $5,000 per year, however, the average value usually does not exceed $2,500.
Q. Where does my student go to apply for financial aid?
A. The website used to apply for federal aid is studentaid.gov. This is a secure government website that houses most of the federal financial aid programs. If your child needs assistance completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), they may visit the financial aid office and schedule an appointment.
Q. The financial aid my child was offered does not cover all the anticipated expenses; what are the options?
A. Penn State accepts all forms of private loan borrowing. Be sure private alternative loans are the right option for you. Private alternative loans should be utilized when all federal resources, such as Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized and Federal Direct PLUS Loans, have been exhausted. They are managed through private lenders, are typically issued in the student’s name, and usually require a cosigner. We also have payment plans for those that wish to pay monthly.
Q. How will we be able to view the Student Account Statement?
A. Student Account Statements are delivered electronically and accessed through LionPATH. No paper statements will be mailed. Statements are prepared monthly, at the beginning of each month, starting in August for Fall Semester, January for Spring Semester, and May for Summer Semester. The statement balance is typically due on the 22nd of every month. The student can select “My Finances” from the Student Home Base in LionPATH and then “Manage My Account/Make a Payment” to view the statement and make payments.
Parent/Other individuals can be granted access to the statement by having the student set the individual up as an authorized payer. Our office will only be able to discuss the student’s account with individuals who have been granted the Authorized Payer access.
To view additional information about the Student Account Statement please visit https://www.bursar.psu.edu/student-account-statement.
Q. What payment options do we have to pay the balance?
- eCheck
- Pay online by logging into LionPATH and authorizing a one-time direct withdrawal from your bank account.
- There are no additional charges for payment by electronic check.
- Credit Card
- Credit Card payments (American Express, Discover, Mastercard, or Visa) can be made online by logging into LionPATH.
- A 2 percent service fee is charged for credit card payments.
- Mail your check or money order
- Please include the student’s Penn State ID# along with a remittance stub from LionPATH and mail it to the York campus address.
Penn State York
Attn: Bursar Office
1031 Edgecomb Avenue
York PA 17403
- Please include the student’s Penn State ID# along with a remittance stub from LionPATH and mail it to the York campus address.
- Drop off the check or money order to the York Bursar Office
- You can bring the payment to the York Bursar counter. Please include the student’s Penn State ID# along with the remittance stub from LionPATH.
- Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
You can visit https://www.bursar.psu.edu/payment-options for additional information about these payment options.
Q. Do you offer any payment plans?
A. Penn State offers an Installment Payment Plan which allows you to divide your semester billable charges over four payments in the fall semester and the spring semester. Fall semester payment due dates are in August, September, October, and November. Spring semester due dates are in January, February, March, and April. The Installment Payment Plan is also available for summer courses which allows you to divide your semester billable charges over three payments. Enrollment in this plan must be completed online and payments must be made using an echeck or credit card. There is a $45 non-refundable fee each semester to use this plan which covers all administrative costs. To use this method of payment you need to enroll in Penn State’s Installment plan every semester.
You can visit https://www.bursar.psu.edu/payment-options for additional information about Penn State’s Installment Plan.
Q. What is Authorized Payer Access and how is it different from Delegated Access?
A. The Authorized Payer access allows a student to grant an individual the ability to view and pay the Student Account Statement, enroll in the Installment Payment Plan, and access the IRS Form 1098-T. Our office will only be able to discuss the student’s account with individuals who have been granted the Authorized Payer access. Delegated access is a separate account and it grants the individual the ability to view academic and financial aid information.
To view steps on how to set up the Authorized Payer Access, please visit https://www.bursar.psu.edu/pay-bill.