Penn State York is offering a four-day summer Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) preparation course July 29-Aug. 1. Registration is underway.
YORK, Pa. — Being prepared is the key to successfully taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and Penn State York is committed to providing an opportunity for students to review key concepts for the SAT exam. Participants will be able to ask questions and receive immediate answers, interact with other students, and prepare with an experienced, live instructor. Summer SAT strategy sessions via Zoom are set for 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays beginning July 8 through Aug. 19.
SAT scores are required for admission to most colleges and universities; there is a good deal that rides on student’s scores, namely admission to top schools and scholarships. This newly revised course will include a general review of math concepts, but the focus will be on the mechanics of the SAT and mastering strategy skills. Students will be expected to work on assignments outside of class to develop their test-taking skills.
In particular, the course will focus on:
- Test design and grading of the test
- Multiple choice methodology
- Guessing strategies
- Timing and efficiency
- Mathematical content connection
Ryan Hassler, assistant professor of teaching mathematics at Penn State Berks, is the course instructor. Prior to his employment at Penn State, Hassler taught college preparatory mathematics at Wyomissing Area High School. He holds a master’s degree in applied statistics and a doctorate in mathematics and science education. His research revolves around effective strategies for teaching and learning mathematics, especially surrounding the transition from high school to college. Hassler has been involved with the College Board AP program and has tutored SAT mathematics for the past 10 years.
Cost for the course is $275. The textbook for the course (required for the first night of class) is "College Board: The Official SAT Study Guide," ISBN-13: 978-1457312199. Students are expected to purchase the textbook on their own.
It is suggested that students considering this course have completed at least two years of high school algebra. For more information visit the York website or contact Patty Bowen, director of continuing education, [email protected] or 717-771-4021. Get registered now.