YORK, Pa. — Penn State York’s Student Veterans of America (SVA), York Chapter, is once again sponsoring a Toys for Tots drive on campus. SVA has joined with the First Capitol Detachment # 521, Marine Corps League of York, Pennsylvania, for this project. New, unopened, and unwrapped toys and books will be collected through noon on Dec. 4.
“Student Veterans of America participates in Toys for Tots to support families in need in order to build a stronger community, teach the value of giving, spread holiday cheer, and make a direct impact on individuals and their families," said Lance Fishel, a Penn State York student-veteran and president of the group. “The impact that a gift can make on a child's life is worth the effort to bring joy and love to them through the generosity of their community.”
The toys, for children ages newborn through 12-years-old, will be distributed to children who are less fortunate in the community through the Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation in York, Pennsylvania. Community members are welcome to bring donations to the campus. Toys for children ages 8-12 are also urgently needed.
Collection boxes are located throughout the campus and donors are encouraged to donate whatever they can. In addition to toys for younger children, donations are also accepted for preteens and teenagers. In the past, items purchased for these groups have included, but are not limited to, sporting equipment/bags/balls, books, backpacks, cosmetics, purses, watch/wallet gift sets, bath gift sets, board games, radio control cars/trucks, hand-held electronics, skateboards/helmets, curling irons, hair straighteners and hair dryers.
Hundreds of toys have been collected during previous toy drives on campus to help make the holiday season a little brighter for many children and adults. A variety of toys were gathered, from board games and footballs to stuffed animals, riding toys and dolls.
To learn more about Toys for Tots, visit http://toysfortots.org.
SVA is a national organization sharing best practices, success stories, and supporting one another to further strengthen the student-veteran community. Since SVA’s founding in 2008, more than one million veterans have returned home to pursue a postsecondary degree. SVA focuses on veteran welfare to ensure student-veterans are supported in their transition to education and employment. Through advocacy, partnerships and alumni support, SVA strives to help all student-veterans succeed and contribute to civilian society.
For more information about the York Chapter of the SVA, contact the club president at [email protected].