Penn State York will offer an SAT prep course via Zoom beginning March 14. Registration is happening now.
YORK, Pa. — High school students who have completed at least two years of algebra are invited to register for Penn State York’s spring SAT prep course.
The course will run from March 14 through April 6 with sessions held twice a week over Zoom. By alternating the focus between math and verbal on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., students will gain a more well-rounded view of the test material.
Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to interact with seasoned instructors and ask their questions in real time. SAT prep also can be a great way for students in the same stage of their application process to connect with one another and find support.
To prepare for the course, students must purchase the textbook, “College Board: The Official SAT Study Guide.” It will be referenced during the first class, so ordering ahead is advised. Students must have the book for the first class.
SAT deadlines are approaching quickly
This year’s exam dates are as follows:
- May 6
- June 3
- Aug. 26
- Oct. 7
- Nov. 4
Students should leave ample time to prepare leading up to testing time. A formal prep course is a great way to stay on a disciplined study schedule.
Thinking beyond the test
While a portion of the course will review key elements of math and reading comprehension, students also will be introduced to test-taking skills. This knowledge can carry through to academic evaluations well after the SAT is over. Key concepts include:
- How the SAT is developed and graded.
- Multiple choice methodology.
- Guessing strategies.
- Timing and efficiency.
“Preparation is the key to any exam,” said Patty Bowen, director of continuing education at Penn State York. “By participating in the SAT exam review, students will have the opportunity to review concepts they have learned in the classroom as well as learn tips and strategies for taking the exam.”
With each interactive Zoom call, students should feel more prepared to tackle the SAT exam and apply to the colleges of their choice.
Benefits of SAT achievement
Performing well on the SAT exam is a great way for students to stand out from the crowd, as some admissions teams evaluate candidates for scholarships or placement using these scores. A good score also can go a long way toward improving a student’s confidence as they enter the next chapter of their academic journey. Be sure to register early to secure a seat!
For more information, visit the York website or contact Patty Bowen, director of continuing education, at [email protected] or 717-771-4032.