Penn State students, faculty and staff with older versions of the id+ card are being asked to submit new photos ahead of re-carding events that will be held University-wide during the spring 2023 semester. There are multiple ways to submit a photo, and photos will be accepted from Nov. 7 through Nov. 23.
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State students, faculty and staff with older versions of the id+ card are being asked to submit new photos ahead of re-carding events that will be held University-wide this spring. As Penn State continues to distribute the updated, mobile-forward campus card, new pictures of cardholders are being requested to ensure correct representation and prevent future usage issues.
The University-wide re-carding process marks the first time since 2004 that new id+ cards have been issued.
Photos will be accepted from Nov. 7 through Nov. 23. New id+ cards will then be distributed during re-carding events at each campus during the spring 2023 semester. Spring re-carding events at each campus will be announced as details are confirmed. The spring events will follow re-carding efforts at five Penn State locations this fall: Dickinson Law and the DuBois, Great Valley, Shenango and Wilkes-Barre campuses.
Anyone who received a new id+ card after May 10, 2022, will not need to participate in a re-carding event.
There are multiple ways to submit a photo. The preferred method is through the Transact eAccounts Mobile app. Steps to submit a photo are as follows:
- Download the Transact eAccounts Mobile app from the App Store or Google Play to your phone.
- Search for Penn State and click the SSO (single sign-on) login screen.
- Enter your Penn State user ID ([email protected]) to authenticate your device.
- Upload your updated ID photo on the Transact eAccounts Mobile app. Note: The photo must meet the requirements outlined on idcard.psu.edu/photo-submission.
- If there are any problems in uploading your photo, contact [email protected].
Individuals with budget-friendly phones or who do not wish to download the app can submit a photo via the Transact eAccounts web portal:
- Go to idcard.psu.edu and select “Manage Your eAccounts” in the menu tab.
- Select the “Profile” tab, if it is not displayed.
- Update profile information, if prompted.
- Upload the updated photo. Note: The photo must meet the requirements outlined on idcard.psu.edu/photo-submission.
Alternatively, individuals can have an updated photo taken by visiting their local id+ Office during business hours from Nov. 7 through Nov. 23. New id+ cards will then be distributed during the specified re-carding event at each campus during the spring semester.
Photo submissions must adhere to the following guidelines:
Shoulders and head directly facing the camera.
Eyes open.
Background is plain and neutral.
Photo is in color and without filters.
Hats, sunglasses, hand gestures, and inclusion of other people within the photo are not accepted. The photo should not be cropped.
Email notification will indicate whether the photo is approved or if another photo should be submitted.
All photo submissions must be received by Nov. 23 in order to be printed on the new id+ card.
Late photo submissions may not be accepted or printed on the new id+ card. Additionally, a vetting document, or government-issued ID, will be required if submitting a photo after the Nov. 23 deadline.
Cardholders that need assistance in submitting a photo should contact their local id+ Office through idcard.psu.edu/contact-us.
The current version of the id+ card must be presented along with a government-issued ID in order to obtain a new id+ card at the re-carding event. A fee will be assessed if the older id+ card is not available at time of pickup.
For more information about the new Penn State id+ card and its features, visit idcard.psu.edu.