Nominations for the Penn State York Academic Advising Award are being accepted through March 25, 2022.
YORK, Pa. — Nominations are now being accepted for the 2021-22 Penn State York Advising Award. Students may submit nominations for the award, which is presented at the Academic Awards Program in April of each year.
The Penn State York Advising Award, given by the Penn State York Academic Advising Council Subcommittee of the York Campus Senate, was established in 1991 to recognize the importance of advising students and is presented to a faculty member who has excelled in his or her advising of students.
It is important to realize that this award is for academic advising and not for excellence in teaching. The James H. Burness Award for Excellence in Teaching is a separate award and nominations should be submitted using that form.
The faculty member chosen for this award is selected by the subcommittee, which depends on nominations and supporting information that is provided by students. Prior award recipients from the past four years, Joan Smeltzer, Jessica Petko, Ali Kara and Sonia Molloy; and staff in Advising and Career Development, Andrew Caldwell, LeighAnn Fry and Jon Price, are not eligible for the award.
Nominations should be submitted using the online form, by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 25, 2022. Nominations submitted in the fall 2021semester will be combined with those for spring 2022. Please be sure to provide reasons why the faculty member nominated should receive the award.